Shut Up and Ship It.

The faster you ship, the more experiments you run, the faster you learn what is working and what is not, the faster you iterate and the faster you get to actually solving a problem for your customer. You don’t know what the customer really wants anyways until you get it out there.

So shut down all the excuses, don’t be a perfectionist and find the fastest way to finish the project you are working on today and just fucking ship it.

The same way we shipped the first version of The Friend Corp website and this Instagram account. They weren’t ready and I didn’t care.  I launched and now I’m already learning and adapting.

About the Author Nick Friend

Nick Friend is an Entrepreneur, Investor, Husband, Father of 3 daughters. Built businesses from scratch to 8 figures, and has been nominated for several Entrepreneurship awards. Nick enjoys helping other entrepreneurs, particularly those fighting the struggle from $0-10 million.

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