Take Advantage of Holiday Attention

During the Holidays, people have extra time on their hands. They spend a lot of that time on their phones, and they also spend more time than normal thinking about their future. We have noticed that whenever we put ads up on Facebook or Instagram during Holidays we generate a much larger influx of leads when compared to ordinary times. We also notice that people engage more with our content, once they arrive at the website or blog, which means they move down the sales funnel faster. Good times!

You may not have any content ready right now, since Christmas is tomorrow. But you’ve got New Years right around the corner. Try to make it happen. You want to apply this concept to any Holiday where people have work off. Memorial Day, Labor Day, 4th of July — all of these work. If the Holiday is on a Monday, make sure the ads are up all weekend, not just the day of the Holiday.

About the Author Nick Friend

Nick Friend is an Entrepreneur, Investor, Husband, Father of 3 daughters. Built businesses from scratch to 8 figures, and has been nominated for several Entrepreneurship awards. Nick enjoys helping other entrepreneurs, particularly those fighting the struggle from $0-10 million.

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